What is the agreement of a gift and how to make it?

Gift Deed Format in India

In India, transfers of property as gifts are governed by the Transfer of Property Act of 1882. Gifting real estate means transferring ownership of the real estate to another person by signing a gift agreement. A gift agreement is an instrument by which the owner of the real estate or movable property transfers his property to another person free of charge as a gift. Let us have a look at what is the Gift Deed, what Properties can be donated by gift deed, & Gift Deed Format in India.

A Gift Deed: What is it?

A gift deed is an agreement that is used when a person wants to donate their property or money to someone else. With a deed of gift, a movable or immovable thing can be donated voluntarily, from the donor to the recipient. A gift deed allows the property owner to gift the property to anyone and prevents future disputes arising from inheritance claims. A registered deed of gift is also proof in itself and unlike a will, the transfer of property is instant and you will not have to go to court to execute the deed of gift thus a deed of gift also saves time.

Parties to a gift contract

There are two parties in a gift contract, i.e. the donor and the donee. The donor is the one who donates his property, and the donee is the one to whom the property is donated. The donor should be of sound mind and competent to enter into contracts at the time of donation.
A minor is not able to donate property because he is not able to enter into contracts. However, the guardian of a minor can accept gifts to a minor on his behalf. The donor should donate without consideration, that is, the donor should not receive anything from the recipient for giving the gift.

Properties that can be donated by gift deed

The donor can donate real estate and movable property to the recipient. Immovable property means land or any benefits arising from land or anything connected with land but does not include growing crops, standing timber, or grass. Real estate that is not considered immovable property is considered movable property.
However, the donor can only donate real estate that exists at the time the donation contract is drawn up. He cannot donate property that he expects or will acquire in the future. The donor can only donate property of which he is the rightful owner. The donor must own the gift property at the time of donation.

Gift Deed: Important Points to Mention

Can I revoke the gift deed?

Once the property has been legally donated, it becomes a done and cannot be easily revoked. However, under Section 126 of the Transfer of Property Act 1882, revocation of a gift deed may be allowed in certain circumstances:

In such cases, even in the event of the donor’s death, his legal heirs can proceed to revoke the donation contract.

Income tax on gift deed

The gift deed must be included in the tax return. The Gift Tax Act of 1958 was repealed in 1998 and was re-introduced in 2004. In case you have been gifted an immovable property as a gift deed, you will have to pay tax if the stamp duty value exceeds Rs.50, 000 and if the property is acquired without the necessary consideration.

Tax exemption for gift deeds

If the property was acquired from one of the following companies, then the above provision will not apply and the donee will not be taxed:

Gift Agreement Template

[Your organization’s logo]

[Your Organization] and Donor’s Name

This Gift Agreement (“Agreement”) is made this ____ day of _______ between [Donor’s Names] and their assignee (hereinafter referred to as “the Donor”), and [Your Organization] an [arts nonprofit organization located in Indianapolis, Indiana]. The Donor and [Your Organization] agree as follows:

It is also understood and agreed that the gift funds as received may be invested by a third party that shall best determine investment options for this endowment fund The spending policy for the endowment will be the policy set forth and approved by [Your Organization] Board of Directors which will likely include the use of annual interest earnings only and not invade the principal of the fund to protect and perpetuate growth.

In witness whereof, the parties to this Agreement have affixed their signatures:


[Donor’s Name] Date [President’s Name] Date
Donor President and Chief Executive Officer

[Donor’s Name] Date [Nonprofit CEO’s name] Date
Donor Chairman, Board of Directors

Witness Witness

Registration of the gift agreement

According to Section 123 of the Transfer of Property Act of 1882, a gift of immovable property is valid if it is donated using a registered gift agreement with the signature donor and the donee and attested by two witnesses. A gift of a movable object is valid when donating based on a recommended gift contract or by handing over the object to the recipient.

To register a gift deed, the gift deed containing all the clauses must be drawn up on stamp paper. The donor and recipient should sign all pages of the donation agreement and at least two witnesses must witness it. For the gift to be valid, the donee must accept the gift during the donor’s lifetime and while the donor is sane.

The value of the stamp paper on which the gift contract is drawn up varies from state to state. A donation contract drawn up on stamp paper should be registered with the registry office or sub-registry in whose jurisdiction the donated property is located. If the property is movable, the jurisdiction of the registrar or sub-registrar is the place where the donor resides.

Drafting of gift deed in India

Final words

To be a transfer as a gift, it must follow the provisions of the Transfer of Property Act. This law extensively defines the gift itself and the circumstances of the transfer of such a gift. A gift that is a transfer of ownership rights must be in the possession and ownership of the transferee and must exist at the time of the transfer. The transferor must be competent to make such a transfer, but the transferee may be any person. In case the transferee is not eligible for the contract, the acceptance of the gift must be confirmed on his behalf by a competent person. The gift of future real estate is invalid. Partial acceptance of welfare gifts and rejection of difficult gifts do not apply either. Accepting a gift means accepting the benefits and obligations associated with such a gift.

Neelansh Gupta is a dedicated Lawyer and professional having flair for reading & writing to keep himself updated with the latest economical developments. In a short span of 2 years as a professional he has worked on projects related to Drafting, IPR & Corporate laws which have given him diversity in work and a chance to blend his subject knowledge with its real time implementation, thus enhancing his skills.