Assigning charcter to a range of variables sas

To store character values in a SAS data set, you need to create a character value. One way to create a character variable is to define it in an input statement. Simply place a dollar sign after the variable name in the INPUT statement, as shown in the DATA step that created AIR.DEPARTURES:

input Country $ 1-9 CitiesInTour 11-12 USGate $ 14-26 ArrivalDepartureGates $ 28-48;

You can also create a character variable and assign a value to it in an assignment statement. Simply enclose the value in quotation marks:

Schedule = '3-4 tours per season';

Either single quotation marks (apostrophes) or double quotation marks are acceptable. If the value itself contains a single quote, then surround the value with double quotation marks, as in

Remarks = "See last year's schedule";

Note: Matching quotation marks properly is important. Missing or extraneous quotation marks cause SAS to misread both the erroneous statement and the statements following it.

When you specify a character value in an expression, you must also enclose the value in quotation marks. For example, the following statement compares the value of USGate to San Francisco and, when a match occurs, assigns the airport code SFO to the variable Airport:

if USGate = 'San Francisco' then Airport = 'SFO';

In character values, SAS distinguishes uppercase letters from lowercase letters. For example, in the data set AIR.DEPARTURES, the value of USGate in the observation for Australia is Honolulu . The following IF condition is true; therefore, SAS assigns to Airport the value HNL:

else if USGate = 'Honolulu' then Airport = 'HNL';

However, the following condition is false:

if USGate = 'HONOLULU' then Airport = 'HNL';

SAS does not select that observation because the characters in Honolulu and HONOLULU are not equivalent.

The following program places these shaded statements in a DATA step:

options pagesize=60 linesize=80 pageno=1 nodate; data charvars; set mylib.departures; Schedule = '3-4 tours per season'; Remarks = "See last year's schedule"; if USGate = 'San Francisco' then Airport = 'SFO'; else if USGate = 'Honolulu' then Airport = 'HNL'; run; proc print data=charvars noobs1 ; var Country Schedule Remarks USGate Airport; title 'Tours By City of Departure'; run;

The NOOBS option in the PROC PRINT statement suppresses the display of observation numbers in the output.

The following output displays the character variables in the data set CHARVARS:

Tours By City of Departure 1 Country Schedule Remarks USGate Airport Japan 3-4 tours per season See last year's schedule San Francisco SFO Italy 3-4 tours per season See last year's schedule New York Australia 3-4 tours per season See last year's schedule Honolulu HNL Venezuela 3-4 tours per season See last year's schedule Miami Brazil 3-4 tours per season See last year's schedule