This year, make your kid’s Easter a tad sweeter with these free printable Easter Bunny letter templates! Choose from four colorful options, including two blank templates, so you can create your own heartfelt note, and two pre-written “from the Easter Bunny” free printables.
Easter bunny letters can be a fun way for the Easter bunny to send your kids a sweet note or the blank Easter letters can be templates for your kids to use to write to the Easter bunny." width="700" height="394" />
When you think of letters and holidays, the first thing that probably comes to mind is Christmas. After all, children writing letters to old Saint Nick is a long standing tradition. However, today, I’d like to expand your holiday horizons, so to speak, with these cute printable Easter bunny letter templates!
Bonus: Not to get ahead of myself, but when it is time to start thinking about Christmas, here are 12 free printable Santa letter templates you can have your kid use to correspond with Mr. Claus! Okay, now back to the free Easter Bunny letter printables….
I had intended these free printable Easter Bunny letter templates as a way for the Easter Bunny to write to your kid (not the other way around). However, if your child wants to write a letter to the Easter Bunny, the blank templates would be perfect for that! 🙂
Easter bunny letter is an adorable way for the Easter bunny to tell your kids how proud he is of their hard work this year." width="2551" height="3295" />
Hip hop hooray (get it? 😉 ) for the first of the free printable Easter Bunny letter templates. This pun-filled pre-written letter is the apex of cheesy, but it’s sure to bring a smile to your kid’s face! (Which is the whole point, right?) They’ll enjoy the corny jokes as well as feel pride that the Easter Bunny has recognized their good behavior and growth over the past year.
Bonus: Want to really get your children looking forward to Easter? Start building anticipation by having them color these “Happy Easter” coloring pages in advance of the holiday.
Easter bunny letter that is blank to have the Easter bunny write a personalized letter to your kid or use this template to have your kids write to the Easter bunny." width="2551" height="3295" />
The first of the blank free Easter Bunny letter printables is the same design as the first template but (you guessed it) without the words. Use this template to write a custom letter from the Easter Bunny to your child. Trust me, your kid will be thrilled to find out that the Easter Bunny knows his or her name! Oh, and make it easier on yourself by using some of the goofy jokes from the pre-written letter.
Bonus: If you’re loving the pretty Easter eggs on this printable Easter bunny letter, consider creating some of your own, and I’m not talking about the traditional dyeing technique. Break out your creativity and your crayons and choose from 15 Easter egg coloring pages or snag 12 printable colored Easter eggs.
Easter bunny letter free printable is a great way for the Easter bunny to send your kids a friendly reminder of how impressed he is your their behavior this year." width="2551" height="3295" />
The second of the pre-written free Easter Bunny letter printable contains the same content as the first but with a different design. I think this design is a little less chic and a little more kid-friendly. After all, what kid doesn’t like bright colors? (Have you ever let your kid pick out his or her clothes—trust me, they’re going for the brightest, most garish combo that is also totally weather inappropriate. 😉 )
Easter bunny letter free printable template is the perfect stationery for the Easter bunny to write a personalized note to your kid or to have your kid leave a special message to the Easter bunny." width="2551" height="3295" />
Alternatively, you could have your child write a letter to the Easter Bunny. This can be a pre-holiday letter telling the Easter Bunny how good they’ve been or a post-holiday “thank you for the goodies” letter. Regardless, encourage your kid to send the Easter Bunny a gift—perhaps a completed Easter basket coloring page or a completed Easter Bunny coloring page?
From my family to yours—Hoppy Easter! 🙂