Public Projects

In 2023, the Park District completed the renovation of its pool facility at Roberts Regional Recreation Area in Oakland, California. As part of the permitting process for the project, the Alameda County Department of Environmental Health required the Park District, as part of a Phased Correction Action Plan, to connect Roberts’ facilities to a municipal sewer system.

6/13/24 5:00pm RFP (Reissue) - Lower Walnut Creek Channel Project

East Bay Regional Park District

The East Bay Regional Park District (Park District) invites proposals from qualified professional consultants to provide planning and design services for two proposed segments of the Iron Horse Trail along lower Walnut Creek in north central Contra Costa County.

6/14/24 5:00pm RFP - Point Pinole Trail Riparian Restoration Project – Tree Removal

East Bay Regional Park District

The District is seeking proposals from experienced, reputable, and qualified Licensed Timber Operators and Tree Service Contractors to remove $60,000 of Eucalyptus, Redwood, and blackberry within Point Pinole Regional Shoreline as part of an ongoing restoration project to restore fresh water riparian connectivity to the Bay marshes.

6/3/24 5:00pm RFQ - Conservation Lands On-Call Services

East Bay Regional Park District

The East Bay Regional Park District (Park District) is issuing this Request for Statement of Qualifications (RFQ) to identify firms that can implement a variety of resource monitoring and management tasks on Park District properties under special conservation status. This includes properties subject to conservation instruments (e.g., conservation easements or deed restrictions) established to meet resource agency mitigation requirements to compensate for impacts to protected species or habitats. Such instruments are often accompanied by long-term management plans that include specific monitoring, management, and reporting requirements. The Park District will select qualified firms through an open and competitive process to develop an on-call list of pre-approved consultants.

5/20/24 5:00pm RFP - Lower Walnut Creek Channel Project

East Bay Regional Park District

The East Bay Regional Park District (Park District) invites proposals from qualified professional consultants to provide planning and design services for two proposed segments of the Iron Horse Trail along lower Walnut Creek in north central Contra Costa County.

5/17/24 5:00pm RFP - Borel Agricultural Park

East Bay Regional Park District

The scope of work for the selected consultant will include the following: prepare technical and feasibility studies, complete a community needs assessment for educational and recreational opportunities available at the site, prepare schematic designs and alternatives with cost estimates, identify construction and operating costs, conduct California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) analysis and compliance, and conduct community engagement.

4/19/24 4:00pm RFP - District Vending Machine Concession

East Bay Regional Park District

Provide vending machine concession services for Peralta Oaks Headquarters and Public Safety Building 5/15/24 5:00pm RFP - Environmental Services for the Wildcat Bike Trail

East Bay Regional Park District

The East Bay Regional Park District (Park District) is soliciting proposals for environmental services for a proposed bike trail at Wildcat Canyon Regional Park. The consultant and their team will: help develop a project description, prepare necessary technical studies, conduct an Initial Study and determine the appropriate level of analysis pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), secure regulatory permits, and participate in public meetings held by the Park District.

4/22/24 5:00pm RFP - Resource Allocation Study

East Bay Regional Park District

The East Bay Regional Park District (District) is soliciting proposals from qualified professional consultants to complete a Resource Allocation Study to advise District management decisions. The purpose of the Resource Allocation Study is to evaluate existing staff project hours versus work hours, levels of service, workflow processes, organizational structure, and resources in the Operations Division. In addition, the study will identify scope for a subsequent phase recommending sustainable staffing models for the next 5 – 10 years that strategically organize resources in the most effective, efficient, and sustainable manner for the operation and maintenance of District parks and facilities.

5/22/24 2:00pm EBRPD Fuels Management On-call Specialty Contractor RFP 2024

East Bay Regional Park District

The East Bay Regional Park District (District) is soliciting proposals and qualifications from firms who wish to be included on the District’s On-Call Fuels Management Specialty Contractor List. It is the District’s intent to enter into a one-year on-call contract with two (2) categories of companies, (A) Arboriculture/large tree removal services, and (B) forestry services/wildland vegetation maintenance, in order to call upon these contractors as needed for various large scale tree removal projects and wildland fuels management services. The District intends to award contracts to 2-5 firms per category. Contractors on the list may be issued a task order(s) for individual projects during the one-year period. The District may issue task orders to each contractor not to exceed a total of $4,000,000 for all Contractors during the contract term, but is not obligated to issue task orders to any contractors. Contractors must submit individual proposals per category (A/B) if they wish to bid on more than one category. The one-year period for each Contractor begins on the date of the first issued notice to proceed. The District shall have the option for two consecutive one-year extensions with any of the contractors on the list.